It’s time to stop the violence . . . that is killing our children and our communities. It’s time to help each other build neighborhoods where each of us kids, teens, adults can feel safe and secure from crime. A tough task? Yes, but it’s a challenge that each of us can do something about. We can reclaim our communities child by child, family by family, neighborhood by neighborhood.
35th Ave Locksmith wants to promote this challenge? Because every child deserves a safe and healthy home and childhood. Because no community can afford the costs of violence. Because a healthier, safer community benefits each of us. Because failing to act costs lives and resources. Because our children should not have to raise their children amid violence. Because if we don’t stop it, no one will.
Safer Communities Are Everyone’s Business
Violence holds victims, families, friends, and neighborhoods hostage. It rips communities apart or prevents them from coming together. Violence takes many forms. Assaults, robberies and homicides are directly violent, but crimes like burglary are often cloaked in violence and can cause paralyzing fear.
Violence is not just about attacks by strangers. In about half the rapes in this country, the attacker knew the victim. In more than half the murders, the murderer and victim knew each other. Assaults are more likely between people who know each other than between strangers.
Domestic violence wrenches apart millions of families each year. Child abuse, overwhelmingly involving someone close to the child, hurts more than a million children a year. Only robberies more commonly involve strangers than acquaintances.
Weapons are part of the problem. They make violence more deadly and less personal. Nine out of ten murders involve a weapon; eight of ten involve a firearm. Most robberies involve the use of a weapon, most frequently a gun. One in five children has reported taking a weapon of some kind to school, most often for self-protection against others whom they believe have weapons. If you have a gun you need a gun safe or at the least a trigger lock.
Why go beyond protecting yourself and your family? Because violence penetrates schools, workplaces, and public spaces. It sucks the life out of communities everywhere.
A quick visit to can help solve all of your locksmith needs. We provide auto, residential and commercial locksmith services to meet all of our customers' needs. Our services include key cutting, lock change, lock repair, and 24/7 emergency lockout services. We are a family owned and operated locksmith company in Phoenix Arizona. Our company is over 30 years old and at its heart is a certified locksmith.
35th Avenue Locksmith
12450 North 35th Ave Suite 30
Phoenix, AZ 85029
Northwest Corner of Cactus and 35th Ave
602-242-5429 • Emergencies 24/7 480-363-2407
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